
Who we are

Our experience spans over a decade in the audio sphere specializing in audio post production, sound design, composition, mixing and mastering.

We believe in the resonating impact sound can create. From the intensifying suspense created by the shrieking violin strings in the shower scene of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ to the palpable moment of creeping dread, signalling the arrival of a deadly shark in Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jaws’.

Music and sound effects can cause visceral reactions by creating an inescapable, immersive atmosphere. Audiences can feel happiness, melancholy, fear, panic and even get goosebumps by setting the right tone. Sound helps establish the reality of cinematic craft with a remarkable amount of care, with a sense of place, and a promise of depth.

We believe in using sound with remarkable sophistication and purpose to set a mood and evoke an emotion by mixing natural sound, effects, and music to help bring a film to life.

Get in touch with us!

Finding the right sound is a choice not to be taken lightly. If you would love to learn more about what we do, or how we could help you with your next project, then please get in touch or drop in for a coffee at our studio. We offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your project, and your budget.


We have the privilege to work with the most purpose-driven, respected local & global brands.

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